The rollercoaster of life

Lisa VO
2 min readJun 15, 2023


The rollercoaster of life goes up and downs twists and turns, terrifies and elates….

Endless up and down…

Why are we so surprised with life’s ups and downs? How can we experience true happiness without knowing the opposite, sadness. How can we know the pure power of hope without knowing the depths of hopelessness. How can we feel the power of true healing when we have never encountered pain?

Life is up and down. It’s twists and turns can blow our minds with joy or elation. It’s can throw our spirits/soul out of or bodies with anguish and pain.. why for one moment do we think a stable sedate life is the ‘best’ to have, the aim, the entitlement? Why do we believe this?

What if instead of being taken on it by surprise, we buckle in and wait and let the ride loose?

What if we accepted te ride instead of fighting it?

Where would that take us?

For every twinge of sadness, we know that hope is around the corner, for every steep climb up we know that there will come a rest and downward spiral. For every dark tunnel, there will always be the light. What if we accepted this and believed this?

Life is a struggle for all of us. No one has got this together (regardless of how they look), no one is getting out of this alive!! Our bodies can leave this life pristine, or be completely wrecked because we have loved and lived.

The rollercoaster of life.. why not stop fighting it and choose it? You’re on the ride already…

By choosing it, something happens… hope …. Dwells….



Lisa VO

Massage therapist/ ex-nurse finding peace in contemplation. Oblate (Bernadine Cistercian’s)