What are you doing for Lent?

Lisa VO
2 min readMar 3, 2022


Lent has begun and the focus looks at what we are going to ‘give up’ or ‘do more of’. Often, like me people decide they’re going to spend more deliberate time in prayer.

Prayer is an odd thing. Sometimes is so difficult, other times it’s easy. It can be a walk in the brambles or like getting into a cosy warm hot tub.. comforting, easing our joints.. We want the latter, but often get the thorns!!

Prayer means time out of the day. It means stopping for a little while, usually in silence. And when we stop in silence, who do we met first?


our mind….

Our unadulterated selves.

The first moments of prayer bring us into the here and now; the present. And in that moment often the monkey mind has other things in store!! In prayer, the first thing we do is confront ourselves. Like standing looking into the mirror, looking at our internal appearance….

In order to enter into prayer, we need to not be distracted by this, but willing to accept. If we get stuck at the first hurdle the race will never begin. And even if you are distracted by the monkey mind, try to give it over to the one your here for. God sees us completely, inside and out. He knows us better than we do. He doesn’t want your empty fancy words, your complex novinas, your endless rote prayers, He just wants to spend time with you, as you would any friend.

Once you sit down and realise this, then giving God just the good bits becomes irrelevant. If he sees more than we do and still wants us to sit in a quite moment with Him, then isn’t He the kind of person we should be making time for?

So you challenge yourself to pray more.. How?

With a book?

A Bible?

A quick prayer you were taught as a child?

A Novena?

That’s fine, whatever way works for you. But know, it’s time in His presence that God wants. He wants to spend time with YOU, the whole you!

So go to your quiet place, shut the door, and in that space spend time with the one who loves you, and sit fully in His presence! 5 mins is enough, but I promise you once you begin to really feel the peace of that Prince of Peace, you will come back for more!!!

Blessings for Lent! May it be a fruitful one!




Lisa VO

Massage therapist/ ex-nurse finding peace in contemplation. Oblate (Bernadine Cistercian’s)